How to write HQL select query on map elements:
HBM File:
<class name="TimerData" table="timer_data" lazy="false">
<id name="userId" type="string"/>
<map name="lastExecTimeMap" lazy="false">
<key column="userId"/>
<map-key column="handleType" type="string"/>
<element column="lastExecTime" type="timestamp"/>
<!-- <element column="handle" length="1024000"/>-->
I want to get value of lastExecTime for given value of userId and handleType.
Here's the HQL query:
"select letMap
from TimerData d inner join d.lastExecTimeMap as letMap
where d.userId = ? and index(letMap)=?"
This will return lastExecTime of type Timestamp... value of 'lastExecTimeMap' for given key 'handleType'