1. Mount remote windows share on linux system
In general, a useful stuff – specially when important software-installers are stored on a windows share. It can be useful to mount the windows share on your linux system to use it efficiently.
Following are the steps:
Following are the steps:
- Login to Linux as root user
- > mkdir /mtn/winshare
- > mount -t cifs //<windows-machine-IP-addr>/<folder-path/ -o username=<user>,password=<pw> /mnt/winshare (For RHEL > 4)
- > mount -t smbfs //<windows-machine-IP-addr>/<folder-path/ -o username=<user>,password=<pw> /mnt/winshare (For RHEL < 4)
2. Extract Files from iso image and create yum repository
- > mkdir -p /mnt/iso/{1,2,3}
- > mount -o loop /mnt/winshare/disk.iso /mnt/iso/1
- > rpm -ivh /mnt/iso/1/Packages/<createrepo-package-name>.rpm
- > cd /mnt/iso
- > createrepo .
- > yum clean all
3. Create yum repository configuration file
- >
vi /etc/yum.repos.d/iso.repo
Place following text in iso.repo
name=My ISO Repo
Now you should be able to install any package from iso using yum.
- Sarang Anajwala