Tuesday, October 18, 2011

VNC Configuration

Some of the configuration tips for VNC server instances and window sizes.

To create new instance, add an entry in file /etc/sysconfig/vncservers.
For example, I have created two instances and following is the content of this file:

VNCSERVERS="1:root 2:root"
VNCSERVERARGS[1]="-geometry 1280x800 -depth 16"
VNCSERVERARGS[2]="-geometry 1260x710 -depth 16"

The first line indicates the usernames to access each of the server instances.
In this case both are ‘root’. So it can be accesses by entering <ip-address>:1 and <ip-address>:2 in the VNC client window.

The reason for creating two instances here is nothing but two different resolutions.
The first instance’s resolution “1280x800” is best for full-screen usage.
The second instance’s resolution “1260x710” is best for full-size client window. (Expand the vnc client window to fill size by clicking on ‘Maximize’ button on top right corner)

One more important point, you need to keep ‘vncconfig’ running to be able to share clipboard to/from your desktop to VNC server.
Use following command to start vncconfig:
vncconfig -nowin &


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Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Eclipse Proxy settings - bug and workaround

Many a times I experienced weird behavior of eclipse network connectivity (despite providing proxy settings) especially while installing plugins from update sites.
However, didn’t pay enough heed to the issues and many a times moved on with installing the plugins by manually downloading it.

With Eclipse Indigo, as the Eclipse marketplace makes plugin installation quite easier, I thought of checking out the exact issue with eclipse network connectivity.

As always, found the bug and work around easily by searching on net (community power!!!)

The bug is with Eclipse proxy settings. Normally, when we enable proxy on eclipse, we enable all types of proxies – HTTP, HTTPS and SOCKS.
The issue is that if you add ‘SOCKS’ proxy entry, eclipse will ignore HTTP/HTTPS whereas normally you will always connect to an HTTP/S url.
So the solution is that remove ‘SOCKS’ proxy entry and keep only HTTP/HTTPS entry. (Make sure you select Active provider as ‘Manual’)

Following is the screenshot for the proxy setting.

Update: You need to restart your eclipse after making this change.

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Subclipse plugin installation in Eclipse Indigo on RHEL- Bug and resolution

I was facing issue while using subclipse plugin in my Eclipse Indigo on my RHEL (Redhat Linux) box.
Installation was successful but was giving error while connecting with SVN.

On searching for the solution, I found out that the issue was related to JavaHL. JavaHL is a "High Level" API and is provided with custom written C++ code to serve as the JNI bridge between Java code and the native libraries (C-libraries).

So the solution to the issue is providing JavaHL in eclipse classpath.
For me, the solution was relatively simple as I already had CollabNet SVN client installed on my box. If you don’t have thisclient installed, you will have to install it first from here – http://www.collab.net/downloads/subversion/redhat.html

CollabNet client contains required library (library name is libsvnjavahl-1.so)
So add following vm argument in your eclipse.ini right after the line that reads “-vmargs” and that should resolve the issue.
Your eclipse.ini might look like this –

Refer this wiki page for more details and for resolving this issue on other operating systems - http://subclipse.tigris.org/wiki/JavaHL

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